How to Make a 3D Cartoon Face?



Upload or drag & drop any images.

AI Process

Wait for AI to make your 3D cartoon face.


Get back your photo with a 3D cartoon face.

Try out the Magic of AILab 3D Cartoon Face Maker

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Scenes to Be Used


Custom 3D Cartoon Characters for Viral Videos

AILab is the best tool to generate hot cartoon characters for marketing beginners and beyond. The 3D cartoon styles it generates are simple yet attractive.

Various Facial Expressions to Choose from

AILab can also change up to 7 facial expressions of the 3D cartoon characters you generated. Combine all 3D styles with an angry face, happy face, or surprised face!

What Makes AILab Unique ?


Free & Online

Custom your 3D cartoon face for free.

3 Styles to Choose from

See what your photos look like in Disney style, Barbie style, or Manga style.

7 Facial Expressions

Choose your best style out of 7.

High Compatibility

Popular image formats are supported at AILab, including jpg, png, jpeg, webp, and gif.

Great to Share

3D Cartoon Face Maker is your best tool to make a new icon or create a buzz on social networks.

No Ads, No Spam

No ads, no spam, no phishing, and no pop-ups in AIlab.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes it is. See your 3D cartoon face within 3 seconds!

AILab supports most of the formats, including jpg, png, jpeg, webp, and gif. But the size of images should not exceed 5M, for it may lead to an upload failure.

TOONME and ToonArt are good tools to try. Among all the 3D cartoon face makers, AILab is the best to recommend. Not only it's easy and fast, but it also allows you to use 3 styles and 7 expressions for free!

Among dozens of features, Remove Image Background, Aging Filter and Gender Swap Filter are the best to try out.

Yes, you can. Please submit your request on the Contact us page or email to:


Expand Your Creativity with AI